
5 Restaurant Promotion Ideas That Will Drive Traffic to Your Business

Restaurants can promote their businesses in a variety of ways. From TV advertising, outdoor signage, and newspaper ads to social media and word-of-mouth recommendations, there are plenty of ways to advertise that can help you get your restaurant noticed. For your restaurant, it is important to have several different promotion ideas so you are never at a loss for what to do next and always stay fresh with what is going on around you. Here are five restaurant promotion ideas that will drive traffic to your establishment and keep it coming back for more.

Restaurant Promotions for Local Businesses

Outdoor signage. This can be a great way to draw in customers and keep them coming back for more. There are many ways that outdoor signage can help drive traffic to your business including having a logo on it, using LED signs, or even incorporating your business name into the design of the sign.

Restaurant promotion messages can be sent effectively using SMS marketing app like Appointible

TV advertising is another option that can help drive customers to your restaurant. TV commercials will typically reach a wider audience than other types of promotion. In addition to being seen by many people, they are also usually cheaper than billboards and other types of outdoor ads such as bus benches or magazine ads.

You can also advertise with newspapers and magazines at the local level by looking into your local paper’s classified ads section or find inexpensive ad space online like craigslist classifieds. These advertisements are cost effective and will likely get you more exposure than one large expensive ad campaign would give you.

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Online Promotions

Online promotions are one of the most cost-effective marketing tools. Online promotions help you to reach a broader audience because they are not limited to just those in your area. For example, if you host an online promotion on a website that is popular with millennials, then you can reach people all over the world.  The best part about online promotions is that they don’t require much time or resources. You can create a virtual scavenger hunt and have people search for items throughout your establishment to earn prizes.

You should also consider using social media as an avenue for your restaurant promotion efforts. Your social media page should have multiple social media ads and posts to drive traffic in multiple avenues at once.


Events are one of the most effective ways to promote your restaurant. Events like bridal showers, baby showers and family gatherings are a great way to bring more people into your establishment. In addition, events give you the chance to partner with other businesses in your area to make your event bigger and more successful than it could be on its own.

Outdoor Signage

Outdoor signage is a great way to get people to notice your establishment. It’s also an affordable way to advertise your business. One of the ways you can use outdoor signage is with a billboard at the side of the road. Not only can it help you get more customers, but it will also help promote your business in a big way.

Newspaper Ads

One of the most popular ways to advertise is through newspaper ads. You can target your audience by specific demographic or geographic area, which means that you can spend less money on clicks that don’t convert into sales. Newspaper ads are usually a one-time deal and are great for reaching a wide range of people in your community.

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